Visual World - a landscape installation 

Alingås, Sweden. 2013

2013, Visual World - a landscape installation, Traffpunt Stadsskogen, Alingsås, Sweden

The Mountain,  275x170x170 cm. concrete, glass

The Mountain. 2018 was glass replaced for epoxy resin ( because of vandalism)

The Waterstones, 95x400x600 cm. concrete, bricks, water

The Waterstones,  Pond 56x145x54 cm. Waterfall 95x95x100 cm. Stream 68x75x110 cm.

Pond, detail

Stream, detail

The Kidstones, 1913, stones made by students, about 12x12x15 cm. each, concrete, natural stones

The Kidstones, detail

The Kidstones, detail

The Motherstone, installation view

The Motherstone, 2013, 35x45x35 cm. concrete, obsidian (natural stone)

Installing the Kidstones with colleagues

The Kidstones, stones made by students, about 12x12x15 cm. each, concrete, natural stones

The Kidstones, detail

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